Above is a 6 metre border that I designed and planted for a front garden in Dulwich. It has three large bay lollipops that are equally spaced. Hebe, Erysimum, Lavender and Verbena bonariensis provide seasonal flowers.     

 Here is a purple border with repeated plantings of scabious, delphinium, salvias, geranium and veronica.

 This large colourful border was designed to be interesting all year round. There are evergreen dome shaped shrubs to give structure such as Pittosporum tobira 'Nanum'  and Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Tom Thumb. Constrasting colours of Heuchera 'Plum Pudding' and bright yellow Libertia ixioides 'Goldfinger' are planted with Erysimum ' Bowles Mauve.'  Weavings of Verbena bonariensis mixed with Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle'  bloom in late summer. Photo above right shows section of the border one year later with Allium purple sensation bulbs in bloom and a much more established look.